Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage for Complicated Cervical Conditions
Imagine if you could restore normal muscle resting lengths to the major muscle groups in the body's cervical area and facilitate perfect alignment of the cervical spine. This dynamic multimedia presentation will give you a user-friendly approach to evaluating, treating, and customizing a client self-care program that can forever eliminate complicated cervical conditions. You will learn functional assessment and special tests, myofascial and neuromuscular techniques, myoskeletal alignment techniques, scar tissue mobilization protocols, and specific stretches and therapeutic exercises to eliminate both the underlying cause and clinical symptoms the cervical pain and associated upper extremity numbness. We will specifically cover Atlas/ Axis mobilization, whiplash, cervical sprains and strains, facet joint dysfunction, spinal stenosis, cervical shearing forces, joint capsule adhesions, degenerative disc conditions, bulging discs, spinal stenosis, and joint arthritis. Cutting edge clinical research will be shared throughout this workshop to support our unique approach to myofascial pain and muscle-tendon strain pain. 70% Hands-on training. Pre-recorded Zoom Class 2021.
Enjoy, James Waslaski
NCBTMB Provider #049978-0