Manual Therapy to Eliminate Multiple Nerve Compression Patterns of the Upper Body
State of the art anatomy and nerve graphics will allow manual therapists to look inside the human body. Starting with the brain and spinal cord, therapists will use positional release, muscle energy techniques, and soft tissue balancing protocols to address O.A. & C1-C2 fixations, cervical kyphosis (military neck), spinal stenosis patterns, stuck facet joints, and treat sprains and strains throughout the upper body. Nerve tests include Spurling Test: spinal nerve compression; Eden's Test: costoclavicular syndrome; Adson's Test: scalene and first rib involvement; Wright Abduction Test: pectoralis minor involvement; Tests to identify Cubital Tunnel and Guyon's Canal (ulnar tunnel) conditions; Test for Bicipital Aponeurosis tendinosis: median nerve scarring; Pronator Teres Test: median nerve entrapment; and Tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome including the Tinnel's Test, Phalen's Test, and Tethered Median Nerve tests. Complicated shoulder capsular adhesions will also be addressed, and home care retraining will include spinal decompression, nerve glides, and nerve tensioning protocols. Pre-recorded Zoom Class.
Enjoy, James Waslaski
NCBTMB Provider #049978-0