Course Description

You will Learn:

Developed techniques and theories which provide you with more a 2-hour treatment protocol including additional fundamental lessons prone positions for the legs and hips.

Ayurvedic anatomical terminologies and familiarity with identifying marmani, chakra and Nadi channel bodily locations.

Simple breathing and meditation methods for personal and session enhancements.

Elegant therapeutic sequences, both brief and extended, for addressing natural bodily and emotional imbalances and discomforts.

Vedic Thai Bodywork is a wonderful addition to any yoga instructor's, holistic practitioner's, and ABSOLUTELY TO a massage therapist's skill set.

This sacred art provides increased peace of mind for the student's or client's experience while also increasing your income.

NCBTMB PROVIDER # 291-842-00

Example Curriculum

  Vedic Massage Table PRONE Legs & Hips NCBTMB PROVIDER # 291-842-00
Available in days
days after you enroll
